

Advocate since June 20, 2007

About Me

I knew about Darfur and Sierra Leona by Equire Angelina´s Jolie interview while i was traveling in a plane from oakland to Miami with a good friend. I thought if i was inspirated by Angelina´s work (and i never has been her fan since now, by her humanity work, not her movies) some people could be inspirated by others celebrities and others fans, not only to know about causes but to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT. I will be working in a site inspired by this and by pages like the Darfur wall. Because we can make the changes hapen if have determination, i believe in dreams. Thanks for believe, if you want e-mail me please and help us please do it al nolci@mac.com

Advocates Recruited

onemillionfansrecord hasn't recruited any advocates yet.